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Beltane 2021 Ritual

Ember James

Today we celebrate Beltane. It is often seen as one of the most joyous of all the sabbats. It’s the time when we celebrate Spring turning into Summer. It’s a day when we can be free of our worries, to set aside the things that have been troubling us. It’s also about planning for the upcoming abundance from the growing and harvest seasons. Let us celebrate our happiness, the coming together of the Goddess and God, and the greening of the earth.

Cast the Circle

Calling in the Elements

Calling East:

Spirits of the East, spirits of air,

Awaken us with the Spring breeze

Bless us with your clarity and wisdom in this rite.

Hail and welcome, Spirits of air. (light yellow candle)

Calling South:

Spirits of the South, spirits of fire,

Warm us with the summer sun

Bless us with your energy and passion in this rite.

Hail and welcome, Spirits of fire. (light red candle)

Calling West:

Spirits of the West, spirits of water,

Wash us in gentle rain

Bless us with your emotions and compassion in this rite.

Hail and welcome, Spirits of water. (light blue candle)

Calling North:

Spirits of the North, spirits of earth,

Clothe us in the finery of new growth

Bless us with your fertility and prosperity in this rite.

Hail and welcome, Spirits of earth. (light green candle)

Calling the Goddess:

Goddess of Earth, mother of all.

You are the beauty of the green earth,

from which all things grow.

You are the mistress of the moon,

From which magick and mystery abound.

Hail and welcome, Goddess (light silver candle)

Calling the God:

God of the growing light, father of all.

You are the lord of the sun,

From which the earth awakens.

You are the Horned One,

From which joy and merriment flow.

Hail and welcome, God. (light gold candle)

The circle is cast, the ritual begun.

May the powers of the Ancient One,

Source of all creation,

May the powers of the Goddess, bright lady of the moon,

And the God, horned hunter of the sun,

May the powers of the guardian spirits,

Rulers of the elemental realms,

May the powers of the stars above and the Earth below,

Bless this time, this place, and all who gather here.

Blessed be!

The Great Rite

We are reminded that all that dies in the autumn and winter shall be reborn in the spring. As the sky joins with the earth, we celebrate the joys of union.

As the cup is to the earth,

The athame is to the sky.

United in life and abundance.

Tonight we witness the marriage of the Goddess and God.

May the union be fruitful.

As they are one, they become one.

As they become one, they are one.

(place the tip of athame in the cup of water.)

And I, too, am one with them.

(take the tip of the athame and place it against your forehead.)

Blessed Be!

Meditation Time!

Releasing the Elements

Releasing the God:

God of the growing light, father of all

For your warmth and power,

For the energy that surrounds us.

For your presence within our circle

We thank you, and ask your blessing,

Until we gather here again.

Hail and Farewell, God.

Releasing the Goddess:

Goddess of Earth, mother of all

For your love and power,

For the fertility of the world we share.

For your presence within our circle

We thank you, and ask your blessing,

Until we gather here again.

Hail and farewell, Goddess.

Releasing North:

Spirits of the North, spirits of the earth.

For your presence within our circle

We thank you, and ask your blessing,

Until we gather here again.

Hail and farewell, spirits of earth. (extinguish your candles as you go).

Releasing West:

Spirits of the West, spirits of water.

For your presence within our circle

We thank you, and ask your blessing,

Until we gather here again.

Hail and farewell, spirits of water. (extinguish your candles as you go).

Releasing South:

Spirits of the South, spirits of fire

For your presence within our circle

We thank you, and ask your blessing,

Until we gather here again.

Hail and farewell, spirits of fire. (extinguish your candles as you go).

Releasing East:

Spirits of the East, spirits of air

For your presence within our circle

We thank you, and ask your blessing,

Until we gather here again.

Hail and farewell, spirits of air. (extinguish your candles as you go).

The circle is open, and yet unbroken.

May the love of the Goddess be ever in your heart.

Merry meet and merry part,

And merry meet again.


Sabbats: A Living Witch’s Approach to Living the Old Ways by Edain McCoy

Witch’s Wheel of the Year: Rituals for Circles, Solitaries & Covens by Jason Mankey

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