This is a simple ritual I put together for Lughnasadh. If you want to follow along to the video, that is provided below.
We come to this place and this time to celebrate the holy day of Lughnasadh.
Cast the circle
East: Spirits of the East, Spirits of Air, we call to you. Come into this circle, we ask, and share your wisdom. On this sacred night of Lughnasadh, welcome air!
South: Spirits of the South, Spirits of Fire, we call to you. Come into this circle, we ask, and share your inspiration. On this sacred night of Lughnasadh, welcome fire!
West: Spirits of the West, Spirits of Water, we call to you. Come into this circle, we ask, and share your love. On this sacred night of Lughnasadh, welcome water!
North: Spirits of the North, Spirits of Earth, we call to you. Come into this circle, we ask, and share your stability. On this sacred night of Lughnasadh, welcome earth!
Sprit: Spirits of the land, spirits of this place, you who were here long before us, we invite you into this circle. On this sacred night of Lughnasadh, welcome spirit!
Ancestors: Ancestors of blood and ancestors of spirit, you whose child we are and on whose foundations we build, because of you we have life. We invite you into this circle. On this sacred night of Lughnasadh, welcome Ancestors!
Lugh: Lugh of the Long Arm, Master of All Arts, we ask your presence and your blessing as we celebrate this festival for you and celebrated in honor of your foster mother. On this sacred night, welcome Lugh.
Now, take a little time to meditate and think upon your blessings so far this year. What are you thankful for? Did you get a job after things started to reopen? Did you experience a wedding or a birth? Did something miraculous happen? Did you experience a jump on your spiritual path?
Pause for meditation.
During this time of year, there was a celebration of the first harvest, but also great sacrifice. It might be the sun king being sacrificed for later rebirth. It’s also about sacrificing time to work the harvest and later enjoy the reaping. There are things to be thankful for, things to enjoy. But what are you willing to sacrifice to continue enjoying what you reap?
At this time, take three pieces of paper (they can be smaller pieces) and write down one thing you are grateful for on each. Then on the backside of each, what are you offering to the gods as a sacrifice in payment of those miracles? Or what are you willing to offer up to continue receiving similar things to be grateful for? It’s not unlike making a deal with a God or Goddess to do work in exchange for something you want or need.
You need money to pay a bill, so you speak with your deity of your choosing to help with that. In return, they tell you that you have to donate so many hours to a charity.
What are you agreeing upon for this next year?
Once you’re done with this, place all three pieces on the altar. Place your hands over them and imbue them with the intention to complete those sacrifices within the next year. Then when the circle is complete, you can place them somewhere you find meaning. That might mean putting them on your mirror or your desk. If you are still in the broom closet, you could place them in a box for safekeeping. Just don’t forget about them.
Lugh of the Long Arm, Master of All Arts, we thank you for your presence and your blessings. Stay if you will, go if you must. Hail and farewell.
Ancestors, we thank you for your presence and your blessings. Stay if you will, go if you must, hail and farewell.
Spirits of the land, spirits of this place, we thank you for your presence and your blessings. Stay if you will, go if you must, hail and farewell.
North: Spirits of the North, Spirits of Earth, we thank you for your presence and your blessings. Stay if you will, go if you must, hail and farewell.
West: Spirits of the West, Spirits of Water, we thank you for your presence and your blessings. Stay if you will, go if you must, hail and farewell.
South: Spirits of the South, Spirits of Fire, we thank you for your presence and your blessings. Stay if you will, go if you must, hail and farewell.
East: Spirits of the East, Spirits of Air, we thank you for your presence and your blessings. Stay if you will, go if you must, hail and farewell.
Release the circle.