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  • Ember James

Samhain 2020 Ritual

You can use the transcript below or follow along with the video.

Cast the circle in whatever fashion you choose.


Once it’s cast, say:

We are (I am) between worlds, between veils,

Where life and death can entwine.

All within this sacred round

Is protected, from sky to ground.

May all beings that truly see to my good

Come guard this circle.

Quarter calls, God, and Goddess

Start in the West, where many cultures believe the afterlife resides.

West: I call the dark waters, the path to the west, and the honored dead. Hail and welcome, west and water.

North: I call the deep earth, the path to the north, the crystal cave. Hail and welcome, north and earth.

East: I call the light air, the path to the east, as wind, sound of rustling leaves, and bonfire smoke. Hail and welcome, east and air.

South: I call the hot fire, the path to the south, as red embers and cooking fire. Hail and welcome, south and fire.

Center: I call the mysterious spirit, path to the center, as the wild unknown, our ancestors, and the venerable dead. Hail and welcome, center and spirit.

God: I call the green God, the one going underground for the fall and winter slumber, the one who resides over the dead. Hail and welcome, God.

Goddess: I call the dark Goddess, the one who also goes underground during the darker times of the year, the one who rules over the mysteries of death, transformation, and rebirth. Hail and Welcome, Goddess.

"Lord and Lady, pull aside the veil;

the edge of time where all things begin and end.

Open a gateway to my loved ones that they may join me in this rite."


Prepare for meditation. Find a comfortable seated or laying position. Take a few moments to relax your body. This will be a guided, visual meditation. If you are like me, and you don’t see things in your mind’s eye, don’t worry about it. Simply think about you doing the things in this meditation. I usually use present tense, as in “I am walking toward the tree.”

Follow the sound of my voice as I count down from 13. There is no need to visualize the numbers. 13. 12. 11. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.

On the screen of your mind, picture a giant tree, bigger than any tree you have ever seen. This is the World Tree, a gateway between the worlds.

Now, imagine the screen of your mind is like a doorway, a portal you can easily pass through. Step through this portal and stand before the great tree. Hear the wind in its branches; smell the earth where the roots dig in; reach out and feel the bark. As you keep your hands on the bark, hold the intention of finding an ancestor spirit to help you in your part to restore balance to the world.

Search in the roots of the tree for an opening. When you find it, step into the opening, which will lead to a tunnel. The tunnel slopes gently downward. Follow the tunnel, down, down, down. Continue to follow the tunnel as it continues to spiral down. At the end of the tunnel, you see a light, flickering like a fire. Walk toward the light.

The tunnel ends in a forest clearing. There is a great fire in the middle of the clearing, and around the fire are the spirits of the ancestors. The ancestors are dancing or simply watching the fire. Wait on the edge of the clearing until one of the ancestors breaks away and comes to join you. This may be a recent ancestor, someone you knew in life, or it may be someone from a more distant past. It may be an ancestor of blood or an ancestor of spirit. If you do not recognize the ancestor, introduce yourself.

Ask your ancestor guide for any wisdom and guidance about your role in restoring balance to the world.

What is your task in these times?

What wisdom from older times can help you in your work?

What else do you need to do your work in the world?

Ask any other questions you may have.

The ancestor may give you a gift to help you in your work, or to help you remember your conversation. Search within yourself to see if you have a gift to offer in return. Thank your ancestor guide for their help and wisdom.

Find the tunnel again, and enter it. Follow the tunnel as it slopes back up. Follow the tunnel up and up. Follow the tunnel until you are once again at the base of the World Tree. Hold your hands to the bark of the tree and offer thanks for facilitating this journey. Then step back through the screen of your mind, pausing here to allow the pathworking you just experienced to settle in.

Now listen as I count back up to 13, allowing yourself to return slowly to this space as I do. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. Come back to this time and this place. And open your eyes.

Cakes and Ale/juice

At this time, if you feel you need food and drink to ground, this would be the perfect time. If doing this in a group, feel free to share around the circle, blessing each other as you do.

Release the Goddess, God, and Quarters

Goddess: I thank the dark Goddess, the one who rules over the mysteries of death, transformation, and rebirth. Stay if you will, go if you must. Hail and fair well, Goddess.

God: I thank the green God, the one going underground for the fall and winter slumber, the one who resides over the dead. Stay if you will, go if you must. Hail and fair well, God.

Center: I thank the mysterious spirit, path to the center, as the wild unknown, our ancestors, and the venerable dead. Stay if you will, go if you must. Hail and fair well, center and spirit.

South: I thank the hot fire, the path to the south, as red embers and cooking fire. Stay if you will, go if you must. Hail and fair well, south and fire.

East: I thank the light air, the path to the east, as wind, sound of rustling leaves, and bonfire smoke. Stay if you will, go if you must. Hail and fair well, east and air.

North: I thank you the deep earth, the path to the north, the crystal cave. Stay if you will, go if you must. Hail and fair well, north and earth.

West: I thank the dark waters, the path to the west, and the honored dead. Stay if you will, go if you must. Hail and fair well, west and water.

West caller(s) Say a special farewell to the honored dead with an invitation to stay and frolic on this night when the veil is thin.

The Circle is undone, but never broken. Merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again!


Mysteries of the Dark Moon by Demetra George

Samhain: Rituals , Recipes, & Lore for Halloween by Llewellyn and Diana Rajchel

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